unstabilized chlorine tablets to maintain pool water quality error method

There are often many misconceptions about swimming pool suction disinfection, for example, using non-tap water as the water source, thinking that suction can take care of all the dirt, pouring chemicals directly into the pool, confusing clarifiers and flocculants, and over disinfection by heavy chlorine smell.

Pool water quality is a major concern for every pool manager, and is one of the important factors for swimmers to choose a pool. Pool disinfection and siphoning is the most basic part of pool water treatment, but some managers do not have the correct knowledge, in the process of water quality maintenance use the wrong method, which may have the opposite effect.
The following will explain in detail the consequences of mistakes in these aspects of unstabilized chlorine tablets, please read on.

Using non-tap water as a water source

In some rural areas and towns, there will be people operating self-built swimming pools, in order to save costs, often directly using well water, mountain water, etc. for the pool water exchange. But is this really saving money? This type of water has not undergone any treatment, the water contains a large number of bacteria, microorganisms, and heavy metals. The iron and manganese content of groundwater in many areas of China exceeds the standard, so the water quality as a source of water is not good, and it is easy to produce spots around and in the equipment pipeline, which is difficult to clean. If you directly use untreated groundwater for pool replenishment, for swimmers is certainly unhealthy, the use of disinfection agents may also appear discoloration, you must first remove the heavy metals in the water in order to sterilize the water quality, so counting all the costs of water treatment using non-tap water is not actually saving money.

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Thought the suction machine can take care of all the dirt

Pool automatic dirt suction machines can clean the pool unattended, some can also climb the wall, remote control, etc., convenient and efficient, has become a necessary tool for swimming venues, widely used in all kinds of pools, saunas, spas, etc. Some people will have a misconception that the pool’s automatic suction machine can take care of all the water quality problems, even if the circulation filtration system is not even open. In fact, the automatic suction machine is not a panacea, it can only replace 80% of the manual, to help us carry out daily cleaning, but for the use of pool chemicals after the sediment, the water surface of the fine dust and human grease, etc. is unable to suck clean. And pools use automatic dirt-absorbing machines that still need impurity filtration, water circulation, disinfection, and sterilization, all processes are indispensable, and complement each other to achieve good pool water quality.

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Pouring chemicals directly into the pool

Some pool managers dump buckets of disinfectant directly into the pool for convenience, and some simply sink the bucket with a rope to the bottom of the pool. This is an unscientific way of throwing the disinfectant by hand, which can cause uneven disinfectant placement or cause the chlorine residual in the water to exceed the standard. The chlorine disinfectant should be dissolved and diluted in water to a concentration of 5% chlorine disinfectant and then poured into the pool back to the water outlet. The water should be circulated for several hours. It is recommended to use a float if available. Slow-release chlorine tablets for pool placed in the float can automatically release the active ingredients slowly, without having to put the disinfectant every day, which is a relatively lazy way to disinfect. You can also choose in-tube (external) disinfection cartridges, which can flexibly control the dosage speed and frequency, and the dosage is more accurate, easy to use and clean, very convenient, and hassle-free.

Confusing clarifiers and flocculants

When the pool water has more tiny suspended matter, the water is cloudy and white, we will generally use the pool clarifier or flocculant for water quality maintenance. However, some customers may confuse the clarifier and flocculant and use the wrong method and not improve the water quality after a lot of trouble.

Pool clarifier is completely dissolved in water pool chemicals, positively charged, in the water will be combined with negatively charged suspended impurities particles, after the filtration cycle without suction work to make the water clear and blue, very convenient and efficient.

The flocculant is to neutralize the pool-suspended matter with an electric charge in the water, so that it loses its stability, collide and fuses with each other, and sinks to the bottom of the pool, at this time, you need to keep the water body stationary after manual suction. It should be noted that the use of flocculants after the use of the automatic suction machine can not be used, this is because the automatic suction machine work from the bottom of the water intake and outflow in the upper part of the machine, the body of water can not be stationary, sediment floating away can not be sucked away from the bottom of the suction machine.

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Heavy chlorine smell is excessive disinfection – unstabilized chlorine tablets

The state stipulates that swimming water must be disinfected. The majority of swimming pools open to the public now use chlorine-containing disinfectants. The national standard for residual chlorine in pool water is 0.3-0.5mg/L. If the residual chlorine content is too low to achieve the disinfection effect, the content is too high to cause irritation to the human body. Some pool managers think that the residual chlorine in the water is already high when they smell a heavy chlorine smell in the pool, so they no longer disinfect the water.

In fact, the odor is most likely not chlorine, but from “chloramine”, which is also known as chlorinated chlorine. Chlorination is a disinfectant byproduct, trichloramine (NCl3), generated by the reaction between free residual chlorine and organic substances containing ammonia and nitrogen (such as sweat, urine, saliva, etc.) metabolized by the human body. Trichloramine is extremely volatile and will waft from the water into the air, so people can easily smell this odor. That is to say, when the smell of disinfected water in the pool is too heavy, it may also indicate that the water quality is poor, the human body in the water metabolism contains ammonia, and nitrogen organic matter too much.

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unstabilized chlorine tablets
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If you do these things wrong, it may lead to acute attacks of rhinitis, or asthma, these patients need to do their homework before swimming to avoid inducing disease
Rhinitis and asthma patients need to pay attention to the most important issue before swimming you should choose a regular swimming place, especially since pool disinfection is standardized. According to the survey, many swimming pools will add more disinfectant in the disinfection process, and once the disinfectant is too much, it may produce more chlorine gas. Rhinitis, asthma patients in the swimming process, chlorine will stimulate them, resulting in allergic rhinitis, and asthma attacks. It can also irritate the patient’s eyes and skin, inducing allergic conjunctivitis and rashes.

These 5 aspects are very applicable to patients with rhinitis and asthma, and these preparations must be done before swimming:
1) Choose a well-ventilated pool;
2) Drink an appropriate amount of water or sports drink to replenish energy and electrolytes before swimming, and inhale asthma medication once before swimming or bring asthma inhalation medication just in case;
3) wear a swimming cap and goggles, both of which reduce exposure to disinfectants, especially for the irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyes, use nose clips to protect the nasal mucosa, and ear plugs to protect the ear canal
4) pay attention to keeping warm, do not overexert yourself, do not swim for too long, and try to stay away from the pool surroundings when resting;
5) Take a full bath after swimming, wash your nose with nasal washer saline, drink more water to replenish water, avoid water loss in the skin mucosa, and promote metabolism at the same time. citing wikipedia

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Do you inhale chlorine gas to hurt your body every time you change your breath while swimming? What is the principle that chlorine gas and respiratory airway irritation are harmed? How to circumvent it?
Swimming is a popular sport among the general public, but swimming pools must use disinfectants. Dr. Xie told us that almost every summer, we encounter many patients asking questions about the effect of disinfectants on the respiratory tract. For example, will each change of air while swimming be harmful to the body because of the chlorine gas inhaled? What is the principle behind the irritation of chlorine and respiratory airways being harmed? How to circumvent it?

Doctors told us that the first thing we need to understand clearly is that swimming venues as a public places, the pool water and air may become a vector for the spread of disease. In order to reduce the risk of disease transmission from pool water, swimming places usually use chlorine disinfectants to disinfect the pool water. Such disinfectants, while disinfecting, must produce a variety of chlorinated disinfection byproducts that have potentially negative effects on human health.

Chlorine readily reacts with natural organic substances introduced into the water by swimmers (e.g., sunscreen, lotions, cosmetics, soap, urine, sweat, saliva, etc.) to produce potentially harmful chlorinated byproducts (CBPs). These include powerful irritants such as chloramines, haloacetic acids, or halo acetonitrile. And CBPs can enter the human body through various routes such as drinking water, skin absorption, and inhalation. And the higher the concentration of these volatile CBPs in the water, the higher their engagement in the air above the pool.

Swimmers have the possibility of breathing in pollutants in all spaces of the swimming pool. The most common symptoms we have to determine if we have been irritated by such substances are eye, nose, throat, and tracheobronchial discomfort.

Prolonged exposure to indoor swimming pools containing substandard chlorine may be harmful to the respiratory tract of swimmers, increasing the risk of asthma, bronchial hyperactivity, and respiratory inflammation. When combined with exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, there is a synergistic effect that can lead to the development of asthma more readily.

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Exposure to harmful chlorinated byproducts (CBPs) in swimming pools is related to the following factors: disinfectant dose, synthetic concentrations of CBPs in the water and air, number of participants in the swim, the temperature of the water and air, ventilation rate in the building, duration of the swim, and the effect of water turbulence. The amount of chlorinated disinfectant delivered to the pool water was an important factor affecting the amount of CBPs generated in the pool water, which increased as the amount of chlorinated disinfectant delivered increased when disinfecting the pool water.

Inhalation of CPPs in the form of gases, aerosols, or even water can lead to structural and functional changes in the respiratory epithelium that, alone or in interaction with other risk factors, make swimmers susceptible to respiratory allergies and infections. So long-term exposure to pools with excessive chlorine disinfectants can increase the risk of respiratory allergies and infections.

When you swim in a pool and you experience discomfort in your eyes, nose, throat, and tracheobronchial tubes, it must be a reminder that this is related to harmful chlorination byproducts (CBPs) in the pool and that you need to pay attention to the sanitary standards of the place you have chosen. Try to avoid swimming in such places.

How to determine what kind of pools can swim and what can not swim?
The initial judgment can be made by the following points:
1) Observe the ventilation of indoor pools, choose a pool with more windows and convective ventilation or a semi-outdoor pool with a canopy, or a pool with more air conditioning vents;
(2) observe the water quality: clean pool water should be blue rather than green; then stand at the edge of the pool to see the bottom of the pool 10 meters away; and finally look at the water surface for floating objects, water has no suspended matter and sediment;
(3) if you smell the obvious “disinfectant water smell” the disinfectant content may be too high, or hold up a little pool water smell, if the smell is obviously pungent, that may be because the residual chlorine exceeds the standard;
4)If you feel irritation in your eyes, nose, and skin after getting into the water, it also means that the residual chlorine level may be too high.

How can swimmers avoid reducing the hazards of being exposed to chlorine?
The hazards of swimming in chlorinated disinfectant pools can be minimized by doing the following:
1) Shower adequately to remove organic matter from the body before entering the pool;
2) Drink an appropriate amount of water or sports drink to replenish energy and electrolytes before swimming;
3) You should choose a pool with the right water temperature, especially in winter, when 22°C-28°C is more appropriate;
4) do not urinate in the pool and try to avoid drinking the water in the pool;
5) choose an indoor swimming pool with good ventilation, fewer people, and water quality in line with health standards; or choose an outdoor pool, but in summer, attention should be paid to heat and sun protection;
6) wear a swimming cap and goggles, both of which reduce exposure to disinfectants and try to protect all aspects of the body;
7) pay attention to controlling swimming time and try to stay away from the pool when resting
8) do not swim if you have wounds, respiratory infections, allergic conditions exist, or if your body has a poor immune status;
9) Infants and very young children should swim as little as possible in pools containing chlorine disinfectant;
10) Take a full bath after swimming and drink plenty of water to hydrate your metabolism.

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