When you own a swimming pool, whether it is in your backyard or at a resort, you must know that regular pool maintenance is a must. to keep it used for its specific purpose and it must also be used in the proper conditions.
But you will find, Chlorine Tablets have Chlorine Tablets Without Stabilizers and Stabilized Chlorine Tablets.
They sound pretty much the same, so how different could they be? And does it really matter whether you use one or the other? In short, yes. It matters a lot. But the first step in choosing which one to use is understanding the differences between them.
What is Chlorine Tablets Without Stabilizer?
Unstabilized doesn’t mean it is dangerous and may blow up. It simply means it does not contain Stabiliser (cyanuric acid) or UV Blockout as it is commonly known.
When unstabilized chlorine is exposed to the sun, the UV rays will rapidly break it down, rendering it unable to sanitize the water. When your chlorine is unstabilized, it will take a lot more chlorine to keep your pool water sanitized during periods of intense sunlight.
You can maintain your pool without the use of a pool stabilizer, but you will need to check your water regularly and make sure you add enough chlorine to the water to keep pace with the breakdown via UV rays.
If unstabilized chlorine doesn’t have cyanuric acid in it, that means … you guessed it! Stabilized chlorine does.
Why Use Stabilized Chlorine?
· Reduce the amount of chlorine you use in your pool.
· Help you save money on chlorine.
· Makes caring for your water easier and less time-consuming.
But stabilized chlorine has its downside too. If cyanuric acid levels get too high, Chlorine’s effectiveness will be diminished. You’ll have to dilute your pool Water to remedy the situation.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Chlorine Tablets
Pool Size and Volume. One factor to consider when selecting chlorine tablets is the size and volume of your pool. To figure out the size of a pool, you typically need to measure the pool’s length, width, and average depth. Larger pools require more chlorine to maintain the appropriate sanitization levels. It’s important to choose tablets that are specifically formulated for the size of your pool to ensure effective disinfection.

How to Add Stabilized Chlorine Tablets to Your Pool
There are three common ways to use pool tablets: using an automatic chlorinator, inside a floating dispenser, or placed in your skimmer basket. Keep in mind that other things like your pool water temperature and water pressure can impact the amount of time it takes your tablet to dissolve. And a larger, 3-inch tablet will break down more slowly than a 1-inch tablet. We recommend using an automatic chlorinator or a floater for your chlorine tablets.
What is Available Chlorine Content?
The available chlorine content refers to the concentration of active chlorine present in the tablets. It’s essential to check the label or product specifications to determine the percentage of available chlorine. Tablets with higher available chlorine content require less frequent application, making them more cost-effective in the long run.
You have been keeping swimming pools crystal clear it’s important. but from time to time you struggle with this having to add an excessive amount of chlorine and then finding the pool has no chlorine reading the next day.
To learn and Really understand the role of
unstabilized chlorine tablets to maintain pool water quality error method Read this article:
unstabilized chlorine tablets to maintain pool water quality error method
The Difference Between Free Chlorine And Total Chlorine
Free chlorine simply put is the chlorine that is available to sanitize the pools water we call this the good chlorine when the free chlorine is used up it turns into chloramines also called combined chlorine. we call this the bad chlorine these chloramines use up the free chlorine very rapidly often when swimmers complain of a strong chlorine smell or that their eyes are burning it’s most likely the presence of chloramines.
You test your free chlorine and then test for total chlorine if both readings are the same which is exactly what you want then chloramines are not present however if the total chlorine is higher than the free chlorine you’ll know how many chloramines are present by calculating the difference incidentally free chlorine can never be higher than total chlorine. Quoting Wikipedia
Proper storage of chlorine tablets is essential to maintain their effectiveness and prevent deterioration. Store the tablets in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, moisture, and extreme temperatures.
A clean and healthy pool is what makes your pool unused and wasteful, which will be more enjoyable. And from a health standpoint, it’s important to maintain a neat and clean environment, even in your pool. You will love swimming even more!