Keep the pool in tip-top shape: Pool life chlorine tablets

If you have an outdoor pool, you should use pool life chlorine tablets. What are pool life chlorine tablets, you ask? The term stabilized refers to the presence or absence of cyanuric acid in chlorine tablets, also known as a water conditioner. Cyanuric acid is like a sunscreen for chlorine tablets, The sun’s UV rays can destroy nearly 90% of the chlorine tablets in your pool in as little as 2 hours. Don’t pour hundreds of dollars worth of chlorine into your pool before it is consumed by the sun. You can kill two birds with one stone by using stabilized chlorine tablets. Chlorine will sanitize your pool and cyanuric acid will protect the chlorine tablets.

Speaking of this, two values must be mentioned:


The pH of your pool water is one of the most important components of your water balance. A proper pH doubles the effectiveness of your chlorine, makes swimmers more comfortable, and reduces the chance of algae and stain formation.

When balancing the pool with open chemicals and whenever you shock the pool, set the pH to the low side; in the 7.2-7.4 range, otherwise aim for a normal pH of 7.5. Add acid to lower pH when pH exceeds 7.6 and add alkali to raise pH when pH is below 7.2.

Total Alkalinity

The total alkalinity (TA) level of the pool water helps maintain pH stability and resistance to change by acting as a pH buffer.

When TA falls below 80 parts per million (ppm), pH can fluctuate dramatically or become unstable and difficult to stabilize. Use an Alkalinity Increaser to raise the pool TA level. Conversely, if your TA reading is above 120 ppm, it can be difficult to adjust the pH level, locking you in at an incorrectly high or low pH level. Use our safe instant liquid acid or granular pH reducer to lower the TA level in your pool.

In most cases, your pool’s chlorine levels will drop, phosphate levels will rise and the amount of fine debris will increase dramatically due to pollutants in the rainwater like algae love two things, water and warmth. Algae in your pool thrive when the warm summer sunshine appears after a rainstorm. Phosphate is the main source of nutrients for algae.

When fighting algae, it is beneficial to maintain a pH level slightly below normal. This can make your pool more acidic and corrosive. While acidic water is not necessarily good for your pool surface or equipment, it does remove algae faster. Once the algae are completely gone, raise the pH with the total alkalinity to the range listed above.

What should You add to the water in a new swimming pool?

When you first open it, you’ll need to Test the water daily with a test kit for several days, and when the chlorine levels drop to “normal” levels, add some pool life chlorine tablets and check that the pH and alkalinity are within range. If not, these characteristics need to be enhanced or diminished.

To learn How to properly use small chlorine tablets in swimming pools, read this article: How to properly use small chlorine tablets in swimming pools

pool life chlorine tablets

Save Water In Your Swimming Pool Tips

Regular Maintenance

Proper maintenance practices can significantly reduce water loss. Keep the pool clean by skimming debris, vacuuming, and brushing regularly to minimize the need for excessive backwashing or draining.

Cover Your Pool

A good quality cover can significantly reduce evaporation rates and also keep debris out of the pool.

Monitor Water Level

Check your pool’s water level regularly and maintain it within recommended ranges. Avoid overfilling as excess water may be wasted due to splashing or overflow.

Of course, it is also important to repair leaks in time and optimize the filtration system, By implementing these measures, you can effectively conserve water in your swimming pool while still enjoying its benefits.

Benefits Of Swimming

Swimming offers a wide range of benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Swimming engages almost all major muscle groups, providing an excellent full-body workout. It helps to build strength, endurance, and flexibility without putting excessive strain on joints.

Regular swimming can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure and can aid in weight loss or weight management goals by boosting metabolism and helping maintain healthy body composition.

But if you’re new to swimming, or new to swimming as a workout, start slow. 

here are signs to watch for that would indicate you have a potential injury versus normal post-exercise soreness can include:

· Pain that lasts longer than 72 hours

· Pain that’s acute and sudden

· Pain that’s throbbing or radiating

Exercising in water offers many physical and mental health benefits and is a good choice for anyone who wants to be more active. When in the water, remember to protect yourself and others from illness and injury by practicing healthy and safe swimming behaviors. Of course, it should be in a pool that has been treated with pool life chlorine tablets.

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