What Stabilized Chlorine Tablets Do When Algae Occurs in a Swimming Pool

Let’s imagine the best summer day you can think of.

The sun is shining, the drink in your hand helps you mitigate the thirst you feel, and the suffocating hot temperatures are inviting you to refresh yourself in the pool you’re so proud of. So, you begin to walk, slowly, towards the pool, But The clear water you expected isn’t there. In its place, green-coloured algae are populating your pool without even asking for permission. How can we get rid of this guest?

Causes of algae in swimming pools

Algae spores are everywhere. They can get into your pool through rain, dirt, and even wind. But those pervasive algae spores become a problem when they multiply in your pool water, turn into an algae bloom, or start growing on your pool walls. Low chlorine levels, improper pH levels, dirty filters, or pool circulation create the perfect conditions for algae growth. Algae can also be introduced by contaminated swimwear or toys that were used in a river, pond, lake, or ocean with algae.

Algae prevention is a lot easier than treating an existing large algae problem. That’s why it’s so important to keep your pool water balanced, clean your filter system and wash off any swimwear or toys that have been used in natural bodies of water.

How Do I Get Rid of Algae In My Pool FAST


Use a pool brush with stiff bristles to vigorously scrub the affected areas where algae growth is visible. This helps loosen and dislodge the algae from surfaces such as walls, floors, steps, and corners.

Filtration & Circulation

Run the filtration system continuously during the treatment process. It helps trap/filter out dead/loose debris preventing recontamination. Circulating water ensures uniform distribution/dispersal of sanitizer throughout the entire swimming area.

Maintain Proper Water Balance

test pool water with test strips or a test kit. Make sure sanitizer, alkalinity, pH, calcium hardness levels, and more are at the recommended levels.

Does Chlorine Stop Algae?

Yes, chlorine can stop algae if the levels are kept at 1-5 ppm (and regular pool maintenance is maintained). ‘To kill algae, chlorine is used in high doses. Adding high doses of chlorine to a pool is referred to as ‘shocking’ a pool,’ However, in some cases, shocking will need to be performed several times to kill algae efficiently.

To learn How to use pool chlorine tablets 25 lbs, read this article: How to use pool chlorine tablets 25 lbs

Stabilized Chlorine Tablets


Follow instructions and safety precautions when using chemicals and algaecides.

Prevention is key! Maintain regular pool maintenance practices, including proper filtration, circulation, adequate chlorine levels,& routine brushing/vacuuming, to minimize chances of algae growt.h.

The amount of time that Stabilized Chlorine Tablets last has nothing to do with the size of your swimming pool so what does affect it?

number one, depends on how the Stabilized Chlorine Tablets are added whether they’re placed in a feeder floater or skimmer.

number two, chlorine tablets tend to last longer at cooler temperatures.

number three, the duration a chlorine tablet lasts depends on your pump or your feeder settings. 

meaning the longer you have your pump running the quicker it will dissipate, if you have your Stabilized Chlorine Tablets and a feeder the feeder control valve setting will affect how long the tablets last, so how long it takes for a chlorine tablet to dissolve varies.

if you are using a floater in your pool I suggest tying it to the skimmer lid keeping it away from any step areas of the pool if it’s just over the step.

How to Prevent Algae in Your Pool  Stabilized Chlorine Tablets

Following these basic pool maintenance principles will help prevent future algae issues.

· Test and balance your water once a week, after rainstorms, or after heavy use (like pool parties). Adjust your alkalinity, pH, and chlorine levels as needed.

· Shock your pool once a week during peak pool season.

· Run your pump 8 to 12 hours per day to fully circulate your water.

· Clean or backwash your filter regularly.

· Wash and sanitize your swimwear, pool equipment, floats, and toys before introducing them back into your pools.

Can You Swim In A Pool With Algae?

While it is undeniable that some people swim in water with algae frequently, caution against not to this practice. If a swimming pool has algae, it means that it’s not being properly maintained., It may contain harmful bacteria.

With diligent care and proactive measures, you can keep your pool free from algae-related issues!

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