You can add a variety of different chlorine, tablets, or granules to your pool, depending on your needs and how it is added to the water.
Swimming is a great way to have fun with your family and friends. And going for a quick daily dip or two is also a great way to keep yourself fit and healthy. Whatever the occasion, pools are always a great asset to any homeowner. it’s crucial to make sure that the pool is constantly in great shape.
Try Swimming Pool Tablets——3-inch chlorine tablets, The most common (and therefore the least expensive) form of chlorine. there will be unexpected surprises.
Why Choose 3-inch Swimming Pool Tablets?
Chlorine is dissolved into your swimming pool water and combines with bacteria and other organics in the water on a molecular, level to kill these harmful contaminants. Once chlorine “combines” with the bacteria and organics in the swimming pool water, the chlorine becomes inactive and no longer works to sanitize your pool. The combined chlorine and organic contaminants are burned off by a weekly “shock treatment”, and removed from the water by the pool filter system.
It which requires less maintenance. if the feeder is adjusted properly, you may not have to worry about your chlorine level for a week or more. Water testing should always be performed at least two times per week to ensure proper water balance.
A Guide To Clearing Up Your Cloudy Pool
The filtration of the water is probably the key to crystal clear water. If your filter is old and not filtering properly the water may be cloudy. It is also important to run your filter long enough to cycle the water through at least once, twice or more is better.
If the filter is dirty, it will cause cloudy water also. Clean or backwash the filter.
If your swimming pool tablets level is zeroed out, the water can be cloudy also. This is due to algae growth. Swimming Pool Tablets help keep the water looking clear, so make sure the levels are raised quickly. You can also run the pool for 24 hours after adding chlorine to help clear it up faster.
Tips: It is not safe to swim in cloudy water as you may get burning eyes, itchy skin, and ill. Wait for it to clear up first.
To learn Pool Water Purification Solutions – Optimal Use of 3 inch chlorine tablets 25 pounds, read this article: Pool Water Purification Solutions – Optimal Use of 3 inch chlorine tablets 25 pounds

In a Swimming Pool, what are Optimum Chlorine Levels?
The water in a swimming pool should be clear and free of strong odors, and the tiles should feel clean and smooth, with no slime or discoloration. Regular maintenance is required to keep both above-ground and in-ground swimming pools clean and healthy. Pathogens that cause illness must be removed or destroyed, and algae must be prevented to keep the water clear. Maintaining optimum pH and chlorine levels is necessary to keep a swimming pool safe to use.
If the pool water causes burning of the eyes or skin or reddening of the eyes, the cause is often too high or low of a pH. A swimming pool’s pH should ideally be between 7.2 and 7.6. If the pH is too low, it can corrode heating and filtering equipment and stain the walls. If pH is too high, chlorine can become inefficient or inactive. PH can be lowered with acid and raised with soda ash, although pool owners should investigate other reasons for changes in pH before attempting to adjust it.
Tips: You can prevent algae by keeping the chlorine above 3.0 and your filter clean. Algae tends to grow in the shade and must be treated quickly or it will spread.
Pool Precautions
· Do not swim while sick as bacteria and other germs can contaminate the water and make others very sick. It’s easy to spread waterborne illnesses.
· Use test strips to check and maintain the necessary chemical levels (pH and chlorine) to keep the water safe.
· Store chemicals in a lockable area out of sight and reach of children and pets. Keep them in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area out of the sun.
· Read and follow the safety directions on the product’s label during each use of swimming pool tablets. Always keep chlorine and other chemicals in their original containers to avoid confusion and possible accidental ingestion.
What About Total Chlorine And Cyanuric Acid?
These are important measurements of your water cleanliness but have nothing to do with water balance, but more with sanitation. A chlorine test should be done daily, or as needed, to maintain a 1-3 ppm level at all times, depending on your level of cyanuric acid, or stabilizer. Higher cyanuric acid levels will require higher chlorine levels because cyanuric acid has a suppressive effect on the activity of free chlorine.