Did you know that there are different Chlorine types? There are five to be exact: Sodium hypochlorite, Calcium hypochlorite, Lithium hypochlorite, Trichlor, and Dichlor. Each swimming pool chlorine tablets type has a different purpose based on what kind of pool you have. Knowing the difference between the five types and what type is best for your pool is essential. Please continue reading below
Dichloroisocyanuric Acid also known as DiChlor is a granular chlorine that can be used to shock a pool as it has a high concentration of chlorine within it. DiChlor also has CYA (Cyanuric acid) within it this helps protect the chlorine from the sun which can cause the chlorine within the water to deplete if not protected. Over time usage of this form of chlorine can cause the CYA level to rise too high. Pros are very high in chlorine and good for shocking a pool. The cons are it can raise the CYA too quickly.
TriChlor is an extremely high-concentration form of chlorine. If you use chlorine tablets in your pool these swimming pool chlorine tablets are likely a form of TriChlor it also comes in granular form. This too has CYA (Cyanuric acid) within it to help protect it from the sun. Pros are that in tablet form it’s slow dissolving and can hold a chlorine level within the pool for a longer period of time. Cons are it can raise the CYA too quickly and can cause issues on the pool surface if comes into direct contact with it.
To understand How to Choose the Right 3 chlorine tablets for pool Size, please read the following article: How to Choose the Right 3 chlorine tablets for pool Size
Liquid chlorine. Comes in liquid form as opposed to granular easy to use and has a lower level of chlorine within it. Does not have CYA in it so it will not raise your CYA level. The water will need to have the correct amount of CYA within it to protect the liquid chlorine from burning off from the sun. Pros can be used to give a pool a chlorine wash if drained and algae are present. Cons can be depleted quickly if exposed to the sun without the use of CYA.

How To Add swimming pool chlorine tablets To Your Pool
Here are the best ways to add swimming pool chlorine tablets to your home pool.
Floating Chlorine Dispensers: Floating dispensers, as the name implies, float around a pool to deposit chlorine. They’re largely passive and move with the currents. However, these can dispense too much chlorine in one location if they get stuck, so make sure to get a dispenser that’s guaranteed to keep moving.
To learn more about How to Add cheap pool chlorine tablets to Your Pool, read the following article: How to Add cheap pool chlorine tablets to Your Pool
Automatic Chlorinator: This is generally the best method. Automatic chlorinators let you set a specific rate of dispensing based on the needs of your pool, and it’s easy to refill it with new chlorine tablets for Pool.
Direct Sprinkling: This only works with granules, but you can sprinkle chlorine directly into your pool. This is more localized than other methods, though, so make sure to walk around your pool and ensure you sprinkle some into different areas.
Pool Skimmer: Some pool skimmers support swimming pool chlorine tablets. These ensure a consistent flow of water over the tablets. However, the tablets will dissolve regardless of whether or not the filter is running, which can create highly corrosive water and damage equipment.
If you are also looking for swimming pool chlorine tablets to add to your pool, make sure you consider the following factors before you buy one.
Dissolving Speed: The dissolving speed of a particular swimming pool chlorine tablet is a very important factor since it determines how effective the tablets will be for your pool. Various tablets are designed with different production methods. And thus, the dissolving speed might vary from product to product. It varies based on the type of application mentioned with the tablets. In any case, you should prefer the ones that assure faster-dissolving speed to get an effective result.
Amount: The amount of swimming pool chlorine tablets you need for your pool is different for different pools since it is based on various factors such as water type, size of the pool, filtration system, etc. You should also get your pool water tested with a pool test kit to determine its pH and existing chlorine level before you buy a box of chlorine tablets. Ideally, the pH level of the water should be between 7.2 to 7.8 whereas the chlorine level should be between 1 and 3 parts per million.
Size of Tablets: Chlorine tablets designed for all kinds of water bodies are usually available in 2 size options that are 1 inch and 3 inches. Here, 1-inch swimming pool chlorine tablets are better for smaller water bodies like hot tubs and spas. These tablets dissolve a lot faster and offer a little chlorine level increment for the water. On the other hand, 3 inches chlorine tablets are more suitable for water bodies containing more than 5000 gallons of water. While these options might be slower in terms of dissolving speed, they can increase the chlorine level pretty fast.
swimming pool chlorine tablets Tips and Advice
You can buy pool tablets in 1-inch and 3-inch versions. The 3-inch tablets are easier to handle and may even be lower in price. You’ll also typically be able to use fewer 3-inch tablets, which will stretch your kit farther.
Don’t simply toss the swimming pool chlorine tablets into your pool. You’ll instead add them to your pool skimmer, which will have the water gradually move over them as it passes through your filter when it’s on. You can also purchase a floating chlorine dispenser, although this isn’t ideal if you have a pool liner. Sometimes dispensers can get stuck in one area of the pool, which can discolor your liner over time.
To learn Can I Just Throw stabilized chlorine tablets In My Pool, please read the following article: Can I Just Throw stabilized chlorine tablets In My Pool
Chlorine tablets are an easy way to give your water that steady release of chlorine you’ll need to maintain a healthy balance. You’ll just need to get a kit to regularly test your water and keep an eye on things. You should also use pool tools to scrub the surfaces and remove any debris that drops into them.
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