About the pools, the thing to bear in mind, first and foremost, is that it takes a lot less time to prevent problems from occurring than it does to clean them up and sort them out once they’ve occurred. Problems like algae or cloudy water can take a long time to fix, but only a few minutes of regular cleaning to prevent.to use 3 chlorine tablets 35 lbs is also important.
The other thing to remember is that healthy pool water, with a proper chemical balance, and regular filtration, requires an awful lot less cleaning than pool water that’s been allowed to get out of balance or insufficiently filtered.
Here’s a time-saving guide for how and when to clean your pool. If you follow these tips, you’ll be able to spend more time in, and less time on, your pool.
How Many 3 Chlorine Tablets 35 lbs Do You Need?
Ideally, 3 chlorine tablets 35 lbs are designed to help reduce the amount of time taken on constantly checking on pool chlorine levels. Knowing the right quantity of tablet to apply at a time help pool owner reduce the risk of running high stabilizer levels, that’s besides damage to pool equipment and surfaces.
The number of tablets you need at a time in your pool all depends on your pool capacity. Once you know how much water your pool holds it becomes easy to do your math with how many tablets to put.
Normal chlorine levels in a pool run between 1-3 ppm (parts per milligram). A 3-inch tablet of chlorine weighs about 8 ounces (227 g), while a 1-inch weighs about 0.5 ounces (14 g). Generally, one ounce of chlorine (28.35 g) will give you 1 ppm for 7,500 gallons (34,096 L) of water.
The high stabilized pool would require a complete drain of the pool for new pool water. Using the Right tablet quantity, therefore, is important to save on the cost of pool maintenance.Quoting Wikipedia
a chlorinator delivers precise amounts of chlorine to the swimming pool water. it comes in two ways:
Automatic chlorinators: automatically installed permanently into the water return line.
Off-line chlorinators: are retrofitted to a pool on a separate line that is tapped off the main supply line and can easily be uninstalled. The downside is the cost but the greatest outweighing advantage is that it gives you control over the feed rate. This allows you to control the quantity of chlorine dipping in your water and avoid chlorine wastage.
A pool chlorine floater is a small plastic gadget that floats on the surface of your pool. They are the simplest to use. They hold your tablets depending on their capacity and slowly release the chlorine as it wanders over the pool.
Although low budget, they are often not the best to use. They sometimes get entangled on the skimmer or just get swayed and stick in a pool corner unevenly distributing the chlorine. As they release the chlorine when static that point starts to stain on the pool liner and also starts to corrode the pool material.

To learn and Really understand the role of
Swimming pool water quality can use chlorine tablets to meet the latest standards Read this article:
Swimming pool water quality can use chlorine tablets to meet the latest standards
How To Clean a Pool
Skim Off Any Debris
This is a simple first step that is essential to the success of all the other steps. A pool that’s full of floating debris will almost certainly have a clogged filter, so do this regularly.
Use a Brush
This is a very important mechanical cleaning step that will help you remove any buildup and algae.
Clean The Pool Filter
Learning how to clean a pool filter is one of the most important steps. First, turn on the filter and leave for 2-5 days until the water clears. You may need to clean out the pool filter several times during this step. Keep an eye on the pressure gauge. When it is about 10 psi higher than usual, clean the filter. You’ll need to remove the filter cartridge and clean it with the best garden hose and a spray nozzle.
Balance Out The Pool Water
Test the water and add chemicals as necessary to get the water balanced again. Chlorine should be 1-5 ppm, pH 7.2 – 7.6, and stabilizer 30-50 ppm.
The Importance Of Balanced Pool Water
Balanced pool water is clean, safe, healthy, and comfortable to swim in. And it will prevent damage to your pool’s structure and equipment.
Too much chlorine will cause skin and eye irritation, and potential illness, while too little will not be effective at killing bacteria, algae, and other contaminants.
If pH levels are too high, the water will become cloudy and create scale deposits on your pool walls and equipment. And if the pH levels are too low, the pool surfaces and equipment will become etched and corroded.
Simply put, unbalanced water can lead to plenty of unwanted issues with your pool. So do yourself and your pool a favor and keep your water balanced.